Monday, March 7, 2011

e-Zwich:Biometric Banking from Ghana

Timbuktu Chronicles
A world first, in Ghana. Bombastic Element reports on the debut of e-Zwich:
...Keith Breckenridge looks at Ghana's adoption of the world's first biometric banking system--basically a void card enabled by the cardholder's fingerprint--to draw a larger proportion of the population into the banking economy, raise the levels of local capitalization by drawing a much larger portion of the issued money supply into bank accounts, create a national instrument and measure of capital accumulation "in the face of a host of established informal and transnational practices that make a mockery of the post-colonial state's ability to influence and tax the economy." He argues that besides all of implementation road bumps, the scheme might actually succeed.
More here
African Liberty takes a contrarian view they view it as "A Colossal Waste of Resources"

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