Thursday, December 16, 2010

Fwd: New Webinar: Collective Impact

center for philanthropy and civil society
stanford social innovation review

Collective Impact:
Creating Large-Scale Social Change

Wednesday, January 19, 11am PST / 2pm EST

Webinar presented by: John Kania, Managing Director, and Mark Kramer, Founder and Managing Director, FSG
In conversation with: Jeff Edmondson, Executive Director, Strive Partnership

Substantially greater progress could be made in alleviating many of our most serious and complex social problems if nonprofits, governments, businesses, and the public were brought together around a common agenda to create collective impact. (See "Collective Impact," featured in the Winter 2011 issue of the Stanford Social Innovation Review.)

Join "Collective Impact" authors John Kania and Mark Kramer of FSG, in conversation with Jeff Edmondson, Executive Director of the Strive Partnership, for a live one-hour webinar on Wednesday, January 19.

Kania and Kramer will introduce the conditions of a collective impact initiative and present their argument that large-scale social change comes from better cross-sector coordination rather than from the isolated intervention of individual organizations. Edmondson will share Strive Partnership's collective impact story through the practitioner lens. (Strive Partnership is a coalition of postsecondary, K-12, business, and nonprofit organizations and a featured case study in the article.) Expect a lively, interactive dialogue with plenty of time for Q&A and debate. The webinar will be moderated by Eric Nee, Managing Editor of the Stanford Social Innovation Review.

This webinar will introduce a new approach to change and is recommended for foundation, nonprofit, social entrepreneur, government, and corporate professionals. In learning how to apply the collective impact approach, professionals in the sector can improve their impact and effectiveness and foster collaboration and partnerships to achieve greater social impact.

For more information and to register for this pay-per-view webinar, click here. The registration fee includes on-demand access to the webinar for twelve months.

This webinar is first in the 2011 SSIR Live! series. Webinars are presented on the most provocative and important topics that have appeared in recent issues of SSIR and from sessions at the Nonprofit Management Institute. Keep an eye out for future emails announcing upcoming webinars in the series.

This e-mail was sent by: Stanford Social Innovation Review
Stanford Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society Stanford, CA, 94305-5015, United States