Friday, December 3, 2010

The pie in the sky

Aid Thoughts

It's not clear that if we all beg for bigger slices, we'll just get more pie.

Alanna Shaikh rightly points out that, despite the incredible important of funding HIV/AIDS programmes, there are many health problems that are losing out in the fundraising arms race.

But here's what I have figured out in the last decade: we can have more pie. Differently put, global health is not a zero-sum game. We can increase the funding that goes to it. In the last ten years, we have. The Global Fund and the Gates Foundation have radically increased the resources available to global health. The private sector has started funding global health, and government donors have increased their commitments.

There is nothing wrong with so much attention going to AIDS. HIV gets exactly as much attention as it deserved. It's the second most terrifying pandemic of our time. (I really think first place belongs to MDR TB). About two million people a year die from AIDS, and there are about 33 million people currently infected with HIV. It is devastating to communities, families, and nations. It is worthy of every red ribbon, activist, and dollar of funding it receives.

What is wrong is that other health problems don't get as much attention. And that's not a problem we solve by ignoring HIV. It's a problem we solve by bringing more attention to the rest of the world's serious health problems. We should learn from the publicity for HIV, not complain about it. What we need is to get that kind of attention for everything that deserves it.

I am a little skeptical that the answer lies with more or better publicity for neglected health problems. I think it is unlikely that we are capable of increasing the volume of campaigning on some worthy causes while somehow avoiding crowding out others by increasing the overall pie. Owen Barder does a good job of dissecting some of the issues here.

For one, the more causes that potential donors get bombarded with, the less effective any of them will be. I should demonstrate this with some resounding empirical work, but I think this video of Robert Stack fending off a bunch of activists at LAX says it all:

So increasing overall noise by amplifying fragmented messages might not increase global giving and might even fatigue the entire process.

What about crowding out? We need to be more honest about how many messages we can take on board at once – our collective time thinking about global problems is rather limited. If someone tells me I should be thinking about neglected tropical diseases, that's less time I'll spend thinking about HIV/AIDS or education or conditional cash transfers or international trade.

Our inability to really focus on more than one cause at a time has led to an absurd scramble for `special' days designated as days we can all sit down and think about one issue. That's why yesterday was World AIDS day, why we're in the middle of 16 days of thinking about gender based violence and why every other day is locked up by the UN for dedication for some cause. Did you know that today was International Day for the Abolition of Slavery? How about tomorrow, which is International Day of Disabled persons, or Sunday, which is International Volunteer Day for Economic and Social Development, or next Thursday, which is International Anti-Corruption Day.

If  we want more pie, we need less competition between causes (not necessarily between agencies) and less fragmentation in advocacy. You need to stop making people think exclusively about HIV/AIDS and/or NTDs, and instead get them thinking about the multifaceted health crises, as Alanna begins to suggest at the end of her post. After the funds are raised, then we decide how to use them, not vice versa.

This touches upon another problem with the advocacy-led approach to global assistance:  allocations between causes are being determined by who is shouting loudest on the global stage, not by those on the ground in the countries that are dealing with these problems. Imagine if, instead of deciding how much of your pay check you were going to spend on food, fuel, or dvds, the relative amounts get decided by the result of fund raising battles between advocacy geeks in a distant country.

Relative expenditure on, for example, malaria versus diphtheria in Zambia shouldn't be determined at a global stage anyway, but by health officials on the ground. Yet, because our fund raising mechanisms are tied to individual interventions, health resources are scandalously non-fungible. GAVI can't break down its vaccinations into Pumpy'nut when faced with a hunger crisis.

Whether or not advocacy is a zero-sum game, we need to realise that the rules hamper our ability to intervene appropriately. I have no suggestions for how we can move out of this bad equilibrium, so perhaps it is foolhardy to expect this to change – but should at least remind ourselves from time to time.


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Met vriendelijke groet,
Best regards,
Henk J.Th. van Stokkom.
(mailed from my mobile)

Kenya’s telecom revolution and the impact of mobile money

Africa Can... - End Poverty

Our third "Kenya Economic Update" – Kenya at the Tipping Point? – notes Kenya's strong economic recovery in 2010 reaching 4.9 percent of GDP. For 2011, we forecast growth of 5.3 percent.  The special Focus on the ICT Revolution and mobile money captures the economic momentum which is now spreading across Africa. Kenya now has 21 million phone subscribers, the vast majority connected by cell phones. With prices falling and coverage increasing, almost every Kenyan above the age of 15 will soon be connected by a mobile phone (see figure, red line).

read more

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Met vriendelijke groet,
Best regards,
Henk J.Th. van Stokkom.
(mailed from my mobile)

Sunday, November 28, 2010

10 kortingen op een rij

Vice Versa - vakblad over ontwikkelingssamenwerking

In de financiƫle bijdrage van de Kamerbrief die staatssecretaris Ben Knapen afgelopen vrijdag naar de Tweede Kamer stuurde, worden een aantal concrete bezuinigingen en verschuivingen op de begroting voor 2011 al zichtbaar. Vice Versa zet tien concrete kortingen op een rijtje.

1-Het budget voor Onderwijs en Kennis wordt volgend jaar met 160 miljoen euro teruggebracht.

2- Er komen kortingen op het onderzoeksprogramma en het internationale onderwijsprogramma van de NUFFIC.

3- De vrijwillige bijdrage aan Unicef en andere programma's op het thema basisonderwijs worden gekort.

4- De bijdrage aan het Education for All/Fast Track Initiative wordt verlaagd tot 30 miljoen euro.

5- De subsidies aan de SNV, het Vakbondsprogramma en PSO worden met in totaal 20 miljoen euro verlaagd. Onduidelijk is of hier ook de 'strafkorting' voor SNV is meegenomen in verband met de weigering van de organisatie om het salaris van directeur Dirk Elsen te verlagen.

6-Er vindt een aanvullende korting op het MFSII in 2011 plaats van 87 miljoen euro.

7- De bilaterale mensenrechtenactiviteiten worden met 5 miljoen euro gekort

8-De bijdrage aan multilaterale instellingen die zich met thema's als mensenrechten, noodhulp, goed bestuur, begrotingssteun en armoedebestrijding bezighouden worden met 30 miljoen euro gekort.

9- Op het budget van 128 miljoen euro voor algemene begrotingssteun wordt 44 miljoen ingeleverd.

10- De Subsidiefaciliteit voor Burgerschap en Ontwikkelingssamenwerking (het net gestarte SBOS, de opvolger van de NCDO) wordt in 2011 met vijf miljoen verlaagd.

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Philanthropy Buzzword 2010.7 - Giving Pledge & 2010.7a - Chugger

Nothing says philanthropy in 2010 like "The Giving Pledge."

Well, except maybe the depressing reality that more Americans than ever before say they can't give to charity this year, or that most of us will be doing our best to give the same amount we gave last year, and many of us have no choice but to give less.

In honor of the new Voluntary Sector network on The Guardian UK - here's a bonus imported Philanthropy Buzzword 2010.7a - Chugging.

Chugging is a British portmanteau of Charity and Mugging. It refers to the tag-team clipboard-wielding signers-for-hire fundraisers who've staked out almost every city block these days. "Have a minute to save the whales?" "Give a minute to save the children?" "Take a minute for human rights?" "Got a minute for gay marriage?" They call out as you feel guiltier and guiltier about your walk to lunch. If you do stop they'll take far more than a minute - they'll keep talking to you until you surrender your name, address, and a donation. If you give them the first two, you will be bombarded with requests for the third.

A 2009 survey in Britain showed that 2/3 of people crossed the street to avoid these folks and 1/4 lied to them about having "given already."

In California, a state where ballot initiatives have replaced and run over representative democracy, you might avoid a chugger only to be stopped by another clipboard. This one is also wielded by someone getting paid by the signature - asking you to "balance the state budget-throw the bums out-fix Sacramento-sell bonds for the high speed rail/new prisons/ school and hospital facilities while approving pay raises for elected officials." And, of course, when you get to the deli to buy your lunch, you'll be asked to "round up" your check for charity.
Ho Ho Ho.

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Quote of the Day

Innovations for Poverty Action Blog

Detailed measurement and evidence of what works and what doesn't in development is one of our most powerful weapons in the battle against global poverty. We need to know what works, and keep on doing it.

Andrew Mitchell, UK Secretary of State for International Development

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